
We long for chilly days,
and forget those who need
the sunny warmth;
the cold will chase our scaled friends
into hibernation–
at least until the next heat wave.
Frogs and lizards will be sparse;
and snakes are more than welcome
to stay hidden of course.
Look down,
watch your step,
there might be a little guy
who’s too slow to escape your shoe!

look at those fabulous nails

This post is part of a series! Check out the collection here.

Photos of the Season

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Welcome back to the halfway-point of the Autumn Lovin’ Series! I take lots of photos (as my phone told me this morning I have run out of storage), and this season especially encourages me to capture every special moment. Mostly I’ve taken pictures of the sunset, but I love taking photos with my family and at events like festivals or other outings that I enjoy particularly in the fall.

There are so many opportunities to take pictures at home. Our back yard is beautiful, and our neighbors’ cat blends right in.

When I’m away from home, I get even more inspiration! We don’t get a huge view of the sky where I live, so when I see a huge sky, it makes me want to take as many shots as possible so I can remember it.

What inspires your creativity? Photography, art, writing, or otherwise? 🍁📷🍂

❤ Michelle

Ooh, Shiny

I’m always distracted by the sky, be it sunny or rainy, daytime or nighttime when the moon is bathing the yard in blue. Yesterday a magnificent phenomenon happened in the sky—a total solar eclipse! The media wouldn’t let anyone live under a rock about it, either. When I saw these photos from two different friends, I thought, “Ooh, Shiny!”


At around 1:20pm, the light grew dull, though it was still sunny, and the temperature seemed to cool. The visible shape of the eclipse was a crescent from our location.

❤ Michelle

Wind and the Coming Storm

Click on this caption to listen to the sound of the wind while you read.


The wind comes before the storm. It’s feelings are always conveyed honestly, and today with a force like tidal waves.

The clouds rush by, unveiling small patches of blue sky. Surely there are foreign objects floating in my coffee, put there by this monstrous wind.


As I sip the coffee from one of my most coveted mugs, I feel the air is anxious and heavy. There is much worry on its breath. The sun shows its garish face for but a moment because clouds dominate the sky. Frogs beneath the grass sense it, too—the coming of a storm. Mittens the cat paces back and forth, wondering why the sun is hiding (or perhaps why I’d forgotten to bring treats).

I filled the birds’ feeder with sunflower seeds a few minutes ago, but I am sure most of them are nestled in their leafy homes in preparation of the squall. The wind is picking up again. It reminds me of rain storms at the beach, when the waves get greater and stronger. The trees mimic the sound of the ocean.

The temperature is too warm for pants, so when the rain begins, my legs will be the first to know of it. The taste of gingerbread coffee on my tongue, thoughts of the gray beach in my mind, the sound of waves and frogs in my ears, and the restless feeling in the air make me wonder if I should return to the confines of my kitchen to see how the stormy day broods on.

The wind’s power-show finally coerces me back inside, a black and white Mittens at my heels.

-7 février 2017, 12:15 pm-